Surrey Police was of Thefts of tools from vans during the day...


Dear All,

You are all aware of thefts of tools from vans parked overnight, but we would like to alert you to an increase of theft from tradesman's vans during the day.

Thieves are stealing tools from vans which have been left open during the day whilst the traders are working. The police recommend that you keep the van locked whenever possible.

Please read the information below which the police have asked us to send round to our members.....

There is a series of building and gardening tools being stolen from workers within the Waverley area. This is from a large number of vans being used by individuals either self employed or employed by a larger company. In some of these cases the amount and type of tools stolen meant the victim was unable to continue in his trade as the insurance did not cover the theft.
When working on site if possible:

Always lock your van and use your security systems even when loading or unloading:

Fit the van with an audible alarm system and an immobiliser
Fit a cage or metal chest inside securely bolted down with a good quality padlock
Mark your tools to make them identifiable
Use a sign on the outside of the van to tell the potential thief that the van is alarmed and all tools are secured
Do not buy second hand tools (any stolen items would be returned to the victim with no compensation to you)
Report any suspicious events or people

Thefts are still continuing from vans overnight.

The majority of these thefts are from vans left in the street or on a driveway overnight with the tools left in them.
The thief would normally drive around an area and identify a number of vans connected with either the building trade or landscape gardening. The van would then have a window or door forced open and the tools within stolen.
If you are at risk from this type of theft then you need to protect yourself now. The advice is to:

Remove tools from your van overnight

If this is not possible:
Park near to housing and under a light
Fit the van with an audible alarm system and an immobiliser
Fit a cage or metal chest inside securely bolted down with a good quality padlock
Mark your tools to make them identifiable
Use a sign on the outside of the van to tell the potential thief that the van is alarmed and all tools are secured or removed
Do not buy second hand tools (any stolen items would be returned to the victim with no compensation to you)
Report any suspicious events or people

For further advice on site security or more on the above please contact your local Crime Reduction Advisor.
Very few of these items are recovered and it is not obvious where they are sold.
For further advice please contact your local Police Station on 0845 125 2222 and ask for the Crime Reduction Advisor

Kind regards

Tracey Moore
Buy with Confidence Support Officer
Surrey Trading Standards
01372 371642

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The prime purpose of the Ascot Village community website is a gateway to information on the local area in order to promote the interests of the residents of Ascot Village in all aspects of their lives. It is also for visitors to the area, prospective visitors and prospective residents.

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Ascot Village, Surrey, England